Curriculum Vitae of Daniel Tiggemann

Short summary

Born 1974 in Bad Pyrmont, Germany. Visited school from 1980 to 1993 in Bad Pyrmont. Community service 1993/94 in Bad Pyrmont. Study of physics at University of Cologne from 1994 to 2006. Finished diploma thesis in June 2001. Finished PhD thesis in November 2006. Now founding a startup.


Email: d[nospam] (replace "[nospam]" by "@").

School education

1980–1984Grundschule Bad Pyrmont
1984–1986Orientierungsstufe Bad Pyrmont
1986–1993Humboldt-Gymnasium Bad Pyrmont


From October 1994 to June 2001 study of Physics at the University of Cologne. Finished diploma thesis in June 2001. From July 2001 to November 2006 work on PhD thesis. Finished with Dr. rer. nat. (a German equivalent to PhD) in November 2006.


From Oct. 1996 until Feb. 1999 student organizer of the tutorium of the Fachschaft Physik. From March 1999 until December 2004 system administrator in the Institute of Meteorology. From January 2005 until February 2008 in charge of high-performance computing at the Computing Centre of the University of Cologne.

Membership in Committees

During my time at the University of Cologne, I have been member in countless committees; e. .g., about a dozen appointment committees. I have been in the Konvent (formally the highest ranking body of the university, now dissolved), in the Senat (the de facto highest ranking body, still existing, unfortunately), and lots of others. I can claim deep and comprehensive experience in the academic self-administration of a large German university. And I am glad it's over.

Research activities

My research interests in Physics were the Ising model and percolation; furthermore I was interested in the field of computational physics in general. In high performance computing, I was interested especially in resilience after failures and in high-level languages for parallel computing, but also in all things parallel.

After having switched from academia to the real world (founding a startup), I have no more time left for academic research. Nevertheless, I still follow the development in my old fields of work.


See for a complete list.


German as native language, fluent English, some Italian, very rudimentary Chinese.